
Today we learnt what magnetism is

Magnetism is a force that brings certain objects with iron and metal inside of and one magnet has a south pole and a north pole, when two different pole sides meet they pull eachother in but when the same meet they push each other away.

First part of our task we did was complete the sentences using the kupu bank below.

Then we drew what force happens in these different pictures of how force happens.

Lastly we got some pictures of different things then after that we made a poster that teaches a person what magnetism and key points for people to understand.

Keke Pua’a

This week is Samoan Language Week, and my teacher brought in Keke Pua’a’s to share to the class!

First when we got the Keke Pua’a we had to wait to eat it.  We looked at the Keke pua’a and smelled it to help us think of adjectives to use in our writing.

When it was my tables turn, we got to bite into the bun and we all loved it.

Then we got a paper then wrote adjective’s about what it taste’s like and feals like and smells like.

Lastly we made a blog about 8 adjective’s and put 3 photo’s in the drawing.

I enjoyed eating the Keke Pua’a, I need to improve on making words and I did well at editing the drawing (I think)

Cybersmart challenge

Google Docs 101 Cybersmart Challenge
Today’s Cybersmart Challenge is all about features inside of Google Docs. You do not need to use any other tools. This task can be completed within this Doc.

Make a COPY of this Document > File it in your Cybersmart Folder.
Delete this instruction.

Change these bullet points to a checklist so you can tick off the tasks as you complete them.

Add the date that you are completing this task to the title. You can use a smart chip by typing the @ key and then the word today without any spaces.

Change the font of the heading on this document

Use the Dictionary tool to find the definition of the word challenge.
Add three synonyms here

In the space below, write out the maths problem: three divided by three with the answer using only numbers and maths symbols. If you can’t find the symbols you need, try inserting a special character.
8 + 8 – 8 x 8 % 8 = 1
1 + 1 – 1 x 1 % 1 = 1
Insert a header onto this doc with your first name
Insert an image of your favourite animal here. Before you insert the image, click on the magnifying glass to preview your image and click on the name of the file of the image. Then copy the URL for where the image is from. Paste this below your image.
If you need help with this task – check out this video.

Why do you like this animal? Use the voice typing tool to record your answer below.
Becaue Its Cute

Use the word count tool to find out how many words this document uses. Type your answer here:
Share your mahi on your blog. This video here explains how to do this.

Designs for Gala

I completed my bookmark and pencil case design

First I tried thinking of a topic so I did a game I play called Geometry dash and I also did my Geometry dash character from my youtube.

Then we had to decide for bookmark and pencil case designs.

Lastly I started to trace my art

I enjoyed tracing my visuals.

I did well at being creative with my designs.

I will improve on working faster.


My Customer’s Responses

This terms inquiry topic is enterprise in week 8, our school is hosting a gala where each class will be selling products. LS1 will be designing and selling bookmarks and pencil cases. Last week we created forms to gather information about our target audience’s preferences. This week we are analysing the responses to our forms. my results show me that we are doing good and that people are used to different things.

Being prepared for school

I learnt how to get prepared for school with my bag

First I learnt the first things that we first need for school like a Jumper and lunchbox

Lastl I made all the things that I need and want like biscuts notices and my bag of biscuts because I can’t fit it inside the lunchbox

I enjoyed writing things I needed for school, I need to improve on making my jumper, I don’t know anythingI was good at

You need to be prepared for school because you never know when you need other things and to learn.

My Profile

I have leaarnt that the men who fought in wars were brave and corageous. They put their lives on the line to protect others. They went to war for their country and to to support their fellow soldiers. For those soldiers who showed exceptional bravery were awarded medals of honour and if the soldeir died then it will be awarded to their family members

Split Strategy

I learnt the how to do the spilt strategy.

First I was tought what a “Split strategy” is an when you add or subtract the tens separately to the ones or if hundreds then it is hundreds seperated to tens separately to ones again.

Next we did work on a sheet that asks split strategy and then the normal equations. For example, *51+25=* we would then look under the equation and see *51+20+_* then we will full in the _ like *51+20+5* then answer the equation which is *51+25*

Lastly I answed all the questions and commpleted the task and did all the split strategy equations.

I did well on answering the split strategies and making the split strategies. I enjoyed finding out what a *Split strategy is. I need to improve a little on the normal answers.


I did a task with having to have to make a poem for the summer learning  journey.

I had to write a poem about something and I choose to wright it about ice cream on a google drawing.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well on making my poem. I need to improve on doing things on my summer learning journey.