Month: July 2022

Nightmare prank

We made a movie film. The movie is about a kid at night getting scared and then was pranked then he got revenge.

First we got into groups of 2 and 3 or alone.

Next we chose a movie to film and tittle.

Lastly we made the movie text so we could film.I did well on choosing the story that we could film. I need to improve on the tittle. I enjoyed writing our story.

PE Rippa Rugby and Tag

I played Rippa Rugby and Tag for PE.

First we learnt how to play Tag with a ball and Rippa Rugby but both with strips.

Then we Played Tag, to play is to rip the strip of the persons belt, if all two belts are riped of then they are out!

Lastly we played Rippa Rugby, to play is to steal their strip and then give it back, but if they get tagged then the other team goes to where the coach is in a straight line. But when they get tagged 5 times then its the other teams ball.

I need to improve on chasing people so I could steal their tstrips and not hiding in the corner. I did well on defending the people from getting a point for Rippa Rugby. I enjoyed learning how to play the games.

Learning the meaning of reorganisation

We learnt what reorganisation is and means.

First we learnt what reorganisation is and the meaning. reorgnaisations is changing the way something is organsied to help find an answer.

Next we got into pairs and guessed the first 6 questions as a practise.

Lastly we did the last 4 individual tasks, they had questions to answer under the text.

I enjoyed the 4 individual tasks. I need to improve on my answers on the individual tasks because i didn`t know where the questions where. I did well on the practise slides in pairs.


We revised how to throw and catch

for the games we played.

First we revised how to throw the ball, to throw the ball is to hold the third lace with the finger next to your pinky finger then move your arm forwards then release the ball.

Next Miss White told us how to catch, to catch is to hold up your hands in a triangle then close your hands

Lastly we got in a circle with 2 piggys in the middle and could pass it to anyone in the circle, except for the people next to you, there was 2 balls.

I enjoyed learning how to catch and throw. I need to improve on catching throwing the ball. I did well on catching and throwing.