Month: December 2022


I did a task with having to have to make a poem for the summer learning  journey.

I had to write a poem about something and I choose to wright it about ice cream on a google drawing.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well on making my poem. I need to improve on doing things on my summer learning journey.


I learnt what the hottest and coldest places around the universe are.

First we got some research about the hottest and coldest places around the universe.

Then we made a slide and pasted all of our information we got from our research.

Lastly I started to place on some designs to my google drawing.

I enjoyed getting some research about the temperatures of places. I need to improve on my designs. I did well on pasting the research I got.

The Omni

We designed our own transportation vehicle and I chose to call mine the Omni.

First we came up with ideas so we could make the perfect transportation vehicle but first we had to do it on paper IF you wanted to.

Next we wrote our Idea on a peice of paper and labeled it.

Lastly we did our idea on a slide then got a task to put it on a google docs.

I did well on coming on my idea well I think. I enjoyed labeling my new transportation vehicle. I need to improve on my google docs.


We did activities for Kellysports like courses and infinite tag.

First we did a fun obstacle with a couple of tricky things. First I zig zagged across some cones. Then I did a couple jumps rapidly over orange bars, then when I jumped over the last orange bar. I had to do 5 start jumps.

Then sprint to the end to a cone and grab a skipping rope and skip to the back of the line.

Lastly we did a game of infinite tag and it was fun.

I did well on infinite tag because I got heaps of tags. I enjoyed doing the course. I need to improve on doing the skipping rope because I didn’t to that good for skipping my rope I was using.