Month: May 2024

Keke Pua’a

This week is Samoan Language Week, and my teacher brought in Keke Pua’a’s to share to the class!

First when we got the Keke Pua’a we had to wait to eat it.  We looked at the Keke pua’a and smelled it to help us think of adjectives to use in our writing.

When it was my tables turn, we got to bite into the bun and we all loved it.

Then we got a paper then wrote adjective’s about what it taste’s like and feals like and smells like.

Lastly we made a blog about 8 adjective’s and put 3 photo’s in the drawing.

I enjoyed eating the Keke Pua’a, I need to improve on making words and I did well at editing the drawing (I think)