Year: 2022

American football

We learnt skills for American football.

First we learnt how to hold the ball. I had to hold the ball by using you ring finger on the third lace.

Next we learnt how to throw the ball, I had to remember to grip the ball. I had to aim with your non dominant hand. I had to face sideways then throw the ball by leaning forwads and push you arm forwards. But before I throw my dominant hand has to in a L shape.

Lastly we learnt how to catch. My hands had to be in a triangle shape but your hand has to be outstretched then when the ball goes into your triangle shape you have to obsorb the impact of the ball. I had to wrap your ring finger and your pinky around the ball when it comes to you while catching the ball.

I enjoyed learning how to catch the ball because we even got to play a game! I need to improve on my aiming because i was throwing to the wrong teammates. I did well on catching the ball.

Ki o Rahi Skills

We learnt how to pass and catch and revised how to step.

First we revised how to step. To step is when you protend to go one way but then go the other way, to practice steping was playing octopus.

Next we learned catching and throwing the ball. The way I wanted to catch the ball is to lean backwards and bring the ball to your chest in a w.

Lastly we played this other game to practice passing the ball. We split up into groups of 2 with 1 person in the middle of the circles.

I enjoyed  the final game becauce it was very fun, I need to improve on not throwing the ball when people arent looking, I did well at throwing and catching the ball.

Bathroom Procedures

We learnt about toilet procedures and how to go to the toilet respectfully.

First we learnt the basics about bause breath and smile, breath in from your nose and breath out from your mouth.

Then we had to put what of them stands for, inform the teacher means asking the teacher when you want to go to the bathroom, respect the toilet environment means not destroying the toilets by putting stuf that shoulded be in there, being hygenic stands for washing your hands and use the tissues or papper towel.

Lastly we placed some pictues that discrided the bathroom expectations the picture was next to.

I enjoyed collecting information, I need to improve on finding pictures for the slide because I coulden`t find a good pucture for imforming the teacher, I did well on finding about information about to go to the bathroom respectfully.

Polite Email

We learnt how to write a polite email.

First we learnt the basics about a polite email, start of with a greeting, then a subject, next the body, and the farewell and lastly the signature.

Next we made a poster of the basics of a polite email, in our computers

lastly we put the polite email parts inside of the poster.

I enjoyed learning about the basics of a polite email. I need to improve on not talking to other people when doing work. I did well at putting in the basics for a polite email and alining the margin.

Kellysports Ki o Rahi

I learnt about the legend and how to play Ki o Rahi.

First I watched a video about about the legend of Ki o Rahi.

Next I learned about the areas of the Ki o Rahi.

Lastly I played a game to practise running betwen the areas.

I enjoyed the Ki o Rahi game that I played because now I know the Ki o Rahi areas. I need to improve on not hitting the yellow stick things. I did well at finding the areas of the Ki o Rahi because I went to the spaces that the coach told us to run to.


Audiences are groups of people who receives information, there are Three types of audiences, they are individual, group, and everyone.

An individual audience is communicating with a single person, an group audience is communicating with a small number of people, and the last group is everyone in the world.

Different apps communacate with different audiences.

Learning numbers in maori

Today we learnt how to pronounce numbers in maori, but we didn`t go pass the number 40.

First we were split up into 5 groups, whaea odie took 1 group while the others did a individual task.

When our group was on the mat, whaea odie used poker cards to put down a number, we had tell her what that number was in maori.

Next we added the cards together and say what that number is, for example she puts a 10 and 7 down, this was added to make tekau ma whitu.

I enjoyed this task because it was a moari tas, I need to improve on not distracting other people, I did well at the numbers in moari because I was very fast and wasn`t tricked that much.


We learnt what inferring and what observing is.

Inferring is guessing what is in the picture and getting clues, observing is when you don`t guess.

First we learnt what is observing and inferring.

Then we made a poster with what observing and inferring was.

Lastly we filled in the poster putting in a quiz which was for observing and inferring the picture I choose, picture and a word art.

I enjoyed the quiz because I got to try to find things in the backround and front, I did well at chosing the layout for my poster, I need to improve on my quiz because I didn`t really get much observing and inferring information.

Observable questions

Observable informaition is something that can be  seen directly. Literal informaition is informaition that is printed or written down.

Observable informaition can be seen without gussing extra informaition.

For example, a person is`nt wearing a t-shirt.

Literal information is informaition that is written down and printed.