Year: 2022

Imaginative recount

We learnt what a Imaginative recount plan and a brain storm is, a imaginative recount is a recount that doesn`t exist, a brainstorm is when you think of ideas in your head and other ideas linked to your head.

First we had a vote from one out of four slides, almost the hole class choose a motorbike picture.

Next we made a brainstorm and made some ideas and made a copy of a google slide then made our own ideas under other sentences.

Lastly we made a imaginative recount with our other ideas.

I did well at choosing my ideas and writing my imaginative recount, I enjoyed this activity because we got to write our own imaginative recount, I need to improve on doing work faster so I can help myself get awards.

Basic Facts Grouping

We learnt the difference between groups of x and x groups.

First, we needed to understand what the difference is between groups of x and x groups.

Next we got some beans and made groups of x and x groups

Lastly we took some photos and placed them on a google slide.

I enjoyed this task because now I know more about my basic facts grouping.

I need to improve on making groups of 7. I did well on making groups of 6.

WW1 Trenches

We learnt about the things that happened in WW1 Trenches.

First we watched three videos about what happened in the trenches in WW1.

Next we wrote down the events that happened in the trenches in WW1.

Lastly we wrote down the effects that happened in the trenches in WW1.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt new facts about what happened in the trenches in WW1.  I need to improve on writing the events. I did well at writing the effect.

Additions and subtractions to ten

We learnt our additions to ten and Subtractions to ten.

First, we learned our additions to ten and that other numbers can make tens with different numbers.

Next, we made a copy of a google slide and got a bunch of sticks.

Lastly, we used the sticks to make the addition and subtraction then wrote our answers in the chromebook.

I enjoyed maths because it is fun to learn, I need to improve on actually using the sticks, I did well at the calculations because I got all the  calculations right, mostly though.

T-Ball skills

We revised and learnt more T Ball skills.

First we did a relay race going to base to base as a warm up to get us ready for T Ball.

Next we learnt about how to hold and pose with the bat by playing T ball to practise how to hold and pose. The new T Ball skills I learnt was allways face sideways, face the batt where you want to hit the ball, and spread your arms out, the bat and ball and Home bass has to be lined with your belly botten and your feet is inline of the ball and home bass.

Lastly the batter team and the filding team change places.

I need to improve on hitting the ball because it keeps hitting the Home base, I did well at running to base to base, I enjoyed practiseing T Ball because it is fun.

T Ball Skill

We learnt about T Ball Skills.The skills we learnt were hitting, running and throwing.

First we practised throwing by playing Ball rain.

Next we practised running between the bases by having a relay race.

Lastly we practised hitting. By hitting the ball of the tee.

I enjoyed playing T Ball because it was fun. I did well in the relay race. I need to improve on paying attention where the ball is going.

My Anzac Quatrefoil art.

Today LS1 made made a Anzac Quatrefoil.

First we choose a Quatrefoil that was rotated or not rotated.

After we wrote our design in thoose three text boxs.

Then we thought of a design that we thought was good.

Lastly we copied the design we thought was good into the chromebook.

I need to improve on placing things in a good place. I did well at choosing the color for my Anzac Quatrefoil. I enjoyed making art becuase it is fun to make.


Today we learned to identify characteristics of a good team member.

First we defined what are characteristics. Characteristics are actions you want to be for example brave characteristics.

Next we drew a body outline, So we could put the positive words inside the body and then  put negative words on the outside of the body.

Then we played a game of moon ball. We played the game to see if we were using the characteristics on our paper. We Identify action and factor that can prevent a team from working cooperatively

We enjoyed this activity because we learnt some characteristics. We did well naming some characteristics. We need to work on communicating with each other.

We enjoyed typing the characteristics into the slide. We need to improve on stopping my teammates. We did well on thinking about characteristics and telling my teammates the characteristics.


Emotion Quatrefoil

This week we learnt how to make a quatrefoil.

First we drew two lines in the middle of the page vertically and horizontally.

After we mached four circles in the middle of the lines.

Then we changed the backround to make an emotion. My emotion is hot.

Last we changed the four circles to match the backround and we made the outlines transparent.

I enjoyed doing the art becuase it was beautiful. I need to improve on stoping myself doing work and other people. I did kinda well at chosing the backround and the emotion.

Simple, Continuous and Perfect Verb Tense

Yesterday the class learnt about verb tense; they are,simple,continus and perfect.

First we thought of a sentence to mach simple,continus and perfect then wrote it on piece of paper

Next we did the poses and took a photo of them. Kaleb and Aj running around, Brook trips on the grass and Alicty plays with her friends.

Last we put the phones back and put the Verb tense on a Google drawing.

I enjoyed doing the poses because it was kinda funny.

I did well at choosing the backround.

I need to improve on not talking and stop stoping my team doing their work.