Year: 2022


I did a task with having to have to make a poem for the summer learning  journey.

I had to write a poem about something and I choose to wright it about ice cream on a google drawing.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well on making my poem. I need to improve on doing things on my summer learning journey.


I learnt what the hottest and coldest places around the universe are.

First we got some research about the hottest and coldest places around the universe.

Then we made a slide and pasted all of our information we got from our research.

Lastly I started to place on some designs to my google drawing.

I enjoyed getting some research about the temperatures of places. I need to improve on my designs. I did well on pasting the research I got.

The Omni

We designed our own transportation vehicle and I chose to call mine the Omni.

First we came up with ideas so we could make the perfect transportation vehicle but first we had to do it on paper IF you wanted to.

Next we wrote our Idea on a peice of paper and labeled it.

Lastly we did our idea on a slide then got a task to put it on a google docs.

I did well on coming on my idea well I think. I enjoyed labeling my new transportation vehicle. I need to improve on my google docs.


We did activities for Kellysports like courses and infinite tag.

First we did a fun obstacle with a couple of tricky things. First I zig zagged across some cones. Then I did a couple jumps rapidly over orange bars, then when I jumped over the last orange bar. I had to do 5 start jumps.

Then sprint to the end to a cone and grab a skipping rope and skip to the back of the line.

Lastly we did a game of infinite tag and it was fun.

I did well on infinite tag because I got heaps of tags. I enjoyed doing the course. I need to improve on doing the skipping rope because I didn’t to that good for skipping my rope I was using.

Discus and Shotput – PE

We learnt how to throw a discus and Shotput and also roll the discus.

First he told us how to hold the discus so we could roll it, we got into 3 groups and took turns rolling it. To roll a discus is to do a shelf hand, push your body forwads and and not throw but just release the discus so that it will roll.

Then we learnt how to throw a discus, First I had to point at the target, then I had to knee down from chin, knees and toes then Lift low to high let it fly.

Lastly we revised how to throw a shotput, I had to put the Shotput on my neck so we could get a little power and I also was side on then pushed the shotput and not throw it because it gives me power.

I did well on pushing the shotput from my neck. I need  to Improve on throwing the discus because I only got it between the cones 4/10 times. I enjoyed on rolling the discus through the cones.

Responsible use & School’s Responsibility

We learnt how to take care of our chromebook.

First we learnt the persons responsible use that owns the chromebook. After we even played a game of the person that owns the netbooks responsible use.

Next we learnt the schools responsibility when you use a netbook then also played a game after school responsibility too.

Lastly we made a DLO of your responsibility and the schools responsibility.

I did well on making the DLO for my responsibility and the schools responsibility. I enjoyed learning about the persons responsibility. I need to Improve on the game quizs.

Shot put – PE

We learnt how to throw, grip and the stance.

First we learnt the stance to hold the shotput. the stance is side on face the target and aim with your non dominant arm.

Next we to hold the shotput is hold with the 3 fingers in middle under the ear and on the Jaw.

Lastly we learnt how to throw the Shot put is not really much of a throw its a push to throw and twist your hips then throw at the target.

I enjoyed learning how to throw the Shot put. I did well on folding the Shot put. I need to improve on my stance.


We learnt how to write a poem and learnt what rhyming is.

First we learnt what end and perfect rhyming means and some other ones, end rhyming is a word at the end of the sentence that ryhmes.

Next we wrote a poem about rhyming, we could do any rhyme type, I choose perfect rhyming.

Lastly we presented to our group, after we presented to our group, we presented to the class, if you wanted to present then you had to share it to the teacher. I didn’t present because I have stage fright.

I did well on my poem because my group liked my one the most, I need to improve on presenting my work to the class because I wanted to but just to scared to, I enjoyed writing my text.

T-Ball Skills

We revised and learnt more T-Ball skills.

First some people that didn’t know how to the stance and so they learnt how do the stance, but the people that already knew the stance learnt how to run between bases, and we also did a warm up, we ran to 1 cone and back after we hit the ball, we have to count the amount of taps we did.

Next we played kind of an real game of T-Ball to learn how to play, we had to run between bases and run as fast as you can to each base, but. If the enemies put the ball back on the thing that holds the ball 3 times. Then we swaped the fielders team with the batters team.

Lastly my team won by 1 point right before we stopped playing and we were proud! My team had the highest score was 7 and the opponents highest was 6.

I need to improve on hitting the ball because it keeps hitting the home base and not the ball and i did it allmoste 2 times!. I did well at running to base to base, and the 2 times I hit the ball, there was only 1 hit that was very good, it went superrrrr far. I enjoyed practiseing T-Ball because it is fun.

PE | Volleyball skills

We learnt all the skills and hits in Volleyball. We learnt 4 skills, the main skills are Serve, Dig and Set.

First I got into groups of 4 after we learnt the moves and then we learnt how to Set first.

Next we had to go into groups of 3 and learnt how to do our Under Arm and Dig.

Lastly we played a game of Volleyball. my team was Bloodfrens, and the enemies team name was THE TIGERS, Bloodferns won.

I did well on my Set when we practised. I enjoyed the last game of the kinda little real Volleyball. I need to improve on my surves because when we were playing Volleyball boys vs girl. I was a good but then the little bit of a real Volleyball. I was a real bad at surving the ball.